Blog 5: High-Waisted Skirts with POCKETS

When I say high-waisted, I mean it. Whenever I have worn a skirt (not a CMOE skirt), I almost always wore a thick belt with it in order to create the same illusion. This would become more difficult if there was a certain look I was trying to achieve if the belt didn't work with the outfit. I also began to notice that my belt would shift or move around, thus ruining the look (in my opinion).

The very first skirt I made had THE highest waistband to date haha. It was a Pumpkin Princess skirt (that had no pockets or waist cinches at the time) and looked so cute! The high-waisted design was destined from the very beginning.

The high-waisted design on my skirts with pockets allows for the most flattering shape while also holding everything in. With other non-CMOE skirts, I noticed that the waistband was only about an inch tall, would roll down, or not support my tummy when I needed it to. The waistbands on all of CMOE's skirts are very tall for a full high-waisted experience. 

Each waistband also has a unique inner waistband to represent how we are all a little bit different on the inside. This decision was also made to lengthen the life of the skirt. My original designs had a waistband that was simply folded over and the top of the waist would start to wear very quickly. With the current design, the waistband is more sturdy making the wearing experience unlike any other skirt you've tried.

Would you be open to trying an even higher waist? Comment your thoughts below :)

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